Antrittskonzert Chanda Rule-Bernroider


What began as a group of strangers brought together to create new music continues to blossom and develop into a melting pot of artists who’s energy and bond oozes from their collaborative song style and interpretation. Hailing from around the world, this international team has wowed audiences throughout Europe with their joyful re-imaginings of old folk tunes, soul stirring original songs and high energy stage performance.

Featuring Chanda Rule, the soul-jazz singer from Chicago's South side, who pianist Kirk Lightsey calls "the most amazing, elegant, mesmerizing, and altogether greatest singer I've seen in the last 30 or 40 years," and Hammond organist and groove man Jan Korinek, SugarFoot goes to the very roots of soul, mixing Southern work songs, spirituals, traditional songs from Africa and NU GROOVES. Rule, influenced by “old-school” gospel music from her grandparent’s store-front church, and the earthen grooves of Korinek’s Hammond organ make a contemporary progressive rock crossover meets Harlem gospel vibe which is the core of the band’s sound.

Hold On, a mix of soulfully arranged American work songs, blues and gospel favorites was labeled “compelling and distinctive” by London Jazz News and “a fun ride of creative jazz” by The Jazz Word. Blues Blast Magazine wrote: “Expressive vocals, cool arrangements and beautiful musicianship make this an extraordinary album….She [Chanda Rule] and her band are the real deal!”

Through their lyrics, melodies, performances and presence, SugarFoot aims to share their joy of music, and believes that the power of song and melody spreads love that can change the world.

Chanda Rule, vocals
Jan Korinek, Hammond B3
Osian Roberts, saxophone
Hermon Mehari, trumpet
Oliver Lipensky, drums

We will feature a special guest trombonist.


19.30 Uhr: Einlass
20.00 Uhr: Antrittskonzert
21.30 Uhr: Beginn ipop-Session
23.30 Uhr: Ende



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